Improvements to the layout/styling of this blog
A couple of things that were the default way the template for this blog were not working well at all when I included snippets of code or documents.
Fortunately, I fixed that this morning by making some changes. I am gradually making these changes across all by blogs on
For one thing, I have added support for decorative dashed-line boxes around code snippets that I include. Normally, I make that a dashed blue line, because that seems to be a convention. Here I use a dashed green line, in keeping with the basic color scheme of this blog and its theme.
I also widened the blog. If you have an old 800x600 display, you are going to have to horizontally scroll a little to the right in order to see the whole sidebar. Sorry, but I want to be able to show source code for either documents or programs - and I needed to widen the body section of the blog by 200 pixels.
Last but not least, I am highlighting the Technorati tags area that is at the end of some of my posts with a nice little three-dimensional inlay effect. I think it looks pretty cool. It kind of indicates that these tags are metadata, not part of the actual content itself.
Hope you like these changes. My goal is to make the blog as readable as I can. I also want to really stretch my CSS skills as much as I can. The line between the disciplines used in programming, publishing, web design, and technical writing is really blurring in this era of the World Wide Web and the technologies it has spawned.
Programmers are having to become more multi-disciplined than ever. Personally, I am not trying to buck that trend.