Green Ruby Programmer

This space will chart my progress through the world of Ruby programming. Hopefully, it will conclude with me becoming a master Ruby programmer. With a moniker like this one, I shall have plenty of motivation to make that sooner rather than later! My other favorite programming languages these days are Python and Java. I have known both of them for about a decade.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

SQL On Rails demo screencast

The SQL On Rails website is kind of a dig on the Ruby On Rails website, and the whole RoR phenomenon.

Poking fun at the numerous Ruby On Rails demo screencast QuickTime movies out there - this site includes its own: SQL On Rails demo screencast.

It is pretty hilarious.

You have to watch a bunch of RoR screencasts in order to get it. But if you have, then you will.

Take it with a grain of salt and try to have a sense of humor about it.


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