Ruby + NetBeans = Ruby IDE
NetBeans support for Ruby development has been around a pretty long time.
Sun's Java developers have had a non-grudging admiration for Ruby on Rails for years.
They liked it so much, in fact, that Sun bought up the JRuby effort.
The NetBeans 6.x IDE can support JRuby (Ruby running on Java VM) or regular Ruby development.
In the blog post NetBeans + Ruby = true you can see that NetBeans has had some support for Ruby for over a couple of years.
What is really exciting about Ruby support in NetBeans today is not that it simply exists but how much support for Ruby is in NetBeans now. Rails development, Gems - all that stuff that Ruby programmers take for granted but maybe would not expect to see in a Java-hosted IDE.
Nevertheless, it is there. Sun's employees/contributors have gone way beyond just adding a checkmark for the Ruby feature in the NetBeans IDE.
Labels: netbeans, programming, ruby
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