Green Ruby Programmer

This space will chart my progress through the world of Ruby programming. Hopefully, it will conclude with me becoming a master Ruby programmer. With a moniker like this one, I shall have plenty of motivation to make that sooner rather than later! My other favorite programming languages these days are Python and Java. I have known both of them for about a decade.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

RadRails 0.7.1 Released

A new version of the Ruby/Rails IDE, RadRails - which is based on the Eclipse IDE - came out a little less than a week ago.

RadRails 0.7.1 Released :
The latest version of RadRails, the Ruby on Rails IDE, 0.7.1, has been released for Windows, OS X and Linux.

I have not updated in a few months so I cannot say firsthand what this new release is like.

I have been pretty impressed with what has come out so far.

The team working on it is very small, just a couple guys, fresh from school.

They are working at an IBM research center now, in Zurich.

IBM was instrumental in giving Java a leg up into corporate enterprise environments while other companies were sill poo-pooing it.

Then IBM turned around and rolled out the free Eclipse IDE, which has revolutionized the Java programming industry.

Now they are throwing their weight behind an effort to help make the Eclipse IDE capable of not merely supporting Java, C/C++, Python, and a host of other languages - Ruby included. They are building up the Eclipse ability to support RAD of web/database applications using Ruby.

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